PROJECT GOAL: The creation of innovative new enterprises for processing of sugar beet 12 thousand tons of cane raw sugar 1.5 thousand tons a day and generate profit from the produced product is white sugar sand and related products beet sugar production (molasses and dry granulated pulp).
THE PRODUCTION POTENTIAL PRODUCTS CHARACTERISTICS The process is based year-round production of white sugar from sugar beet processing in The design capacity of the plant allows to produce the finished product: the period from 15 August to 15 December (123 days) and processing of cane raw sugar from – sugar (GOST R 53396-2009): 433,016 tons per year (1 kg / 50 kg / 1000 kg (big bag)); 15 March to 30 July (139 days). – molasses (GOST P 52304-2005, GOST R 54902-2012): 62,168 tons a year; Repairs on the enterprise will be carried out in the period from 16 December to 14 March – dry pelletized pulp (GOST 13456-82): 66,420 tonnes per year; and the month of August (103 days). For the production of finished products need: 1,476,000 The sugar industry enjoys the support of the government of the Russian Federation, since tons of sugar beet and 208,500 tonnes of cane-sugar. sugar is a basic part of human nutrition.