Agricultural land in the Crimea
Posted on 27.12.2017 / 1758

There are agricultural lands on the territory of the Republic of Crimea. Such lands include, in particular, areas with a large layer of fertile black earth, which creates favorable conditions for agricultural activities. Especially fertile for growing grains with a high content of gluten, the quality of flour is suitable for the production of pasta.
In 2015, in Crimea, high yields were obtained locally, grain 50-55 centners, sunflower 25-30 centners per hectare.
The cost of renting agricultural land in different areas in different ways, and the average is 1200 rubles per ha per year. The cost of renting private, fertile agricultural land on average is 30,000 thousand a year.
To date, it is possible to conclude lease contracts for agricultural land for more than 40 thousand hectares, of which 8,000 hectares are privately owned.

Russaria LC
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